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Facilities Management

Embracing the Hybrid Era

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, the rise of hybrid models has reshaped the way we perceive and manage office spaces. Here, there is a critical role for Facility Managers to adopt innovative security solutions to meet the demands of this new era.

8th December 2023

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, the rise of hybrid models has reshaped the way we perceive and manage office spaces. Here, there is a critical role for Facility Managers to adopt innovative security solutions to meet the demands of this new era.

Adapting to the Hybrid Workforce

The dominance of hybrid work is now undeniable, with a notable shift away from traditional in-person office structures. 

The number of people working “in the office full-time dropped to 42% in the second quarter of 2023, down from 49% in the first quarter.[1]” Many companies are reevaluating their office attendance requirements whilst reverting to hybrid policies and physical working practices.

The concept of office design expands beyond mere aesthetics. Security plans must be agile, and capable of evolving alongside office sites that undergo dynamic changes. Central to this is the need for integrated measures that blend with the surroundings, combining both physical and digital access control to ensure entry is limited to authorized personnel.

Elevating Security with Integrated Solutions

Given that access to offices now needs to be on a much more fluid basis, and seemingly simple questions such as ‘How many people are in the building today,” more complex to answer, a more sophisticated solution is required to enhance employee and visitor safety and security when they are in the office.

Touchless access control emerges as a pivotal solution to address the fluid nature of office access. Mobile credentials offer a secure and convenient way for employees to enter the workspace without physical contact, minimizing the risk of loss or cloning. 

This not only enhances security but also instils confidence in employees, providing a personalised and efficient operation tailored to individual security requirements.

Adding to this access control is peace of mind visual verification systems, CCTV and connected data, all working together for improved analysis that will, in turn, drive greater efficiencies in the modern office environment.

How Pinnacle Systems Can Support Hybrid Office Environments

This may all feel overwhelming to coordinate for the budget, resource and time-stretched Facility Manager, who is conscious of an increasingly complex role in the new hybrid workplace.  

Pinnacle Systems offers dedicated support to bring these security elements together in an open integration platform, with a cloud portal for 24/7 monitoring and control.  Allowing Facility Managers the versatility to manage security remotely.  

The multifaceted approach, utilising existing systems or introducing new ones, ensures flexibility and security. Pinnacle Systems’ commitment to futureproof security aligns with the needs of evolving office dynamics, empowering organisations to optimise their layouts and make informed decisions in the era of hybrid working.

Let’s Integrate!

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